Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our Play On! Anniversary Weekend

This past weekend kicked off the first of 17 Play On! events we will have in 2011. Remarkably, all of these events will be held over the next 6 weeks.

We had a great event in Hamilton! Except for the lousy weather, it was really an outstanding weekend.

Scott and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, and it was definitely a memorable day.

Scott spent the weekend walking the site, talking to players, putting out fires, and training the Hamilton team on the ins and outs of running a Play On! event.

This is where I spent the weekend, in the Scoreboard Tent:

I prefer to stay as dry as possible.

I was really touched that during a busy event day, others would take the time to play a song for us from our first date (thanks, Jeff!), make a loud-speaker announcement, send text messages & emails, and join us for cake, which we ate off paper plates in the Registration tent.

We came home that night to a kitchen full of gifts from our children:

It might take us a while to get through all of those cookies... !

I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Scott is a devoted, thoughtful husband and a fun, caring, and loving father to our children, and I love being married to my best friend. Happy Anniversary!


  1. Those are such nice cookies. Sara's bummed out that she can't come and play on Samantha's team.

  2. Happy Anniversary you two!!! Im glad it was fun for you dispite your busy weekend...those cookies are so creative....good job Grandma...!

  3. So sweet! Happy anniversary! Feel free and mail some of those cookies on over :)

  4. Sounds like it was very much, a memorable weekend!!! Congrats on the 12 years!!

  5. Aaw, the pictures and cookies are so cute! Glad it was a good one for you guys!


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