Friday, May 15, 2009

10th Anniversary

Scott and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary today.

It's hard to believe we've been married for 10 years already! You know what they say - time flies when you're having fun... On the other hand, when I think of all that has transpired since we started our own little family one decade ago, it seems more and more like an amazingly short period of time.

One thing I love about Scott is that he is very thoughtful. He planned for us to celebrate this day a little early, with a surprise trip back in April, since he knew that this time of year is a tad busy (read: we don't sleep for 6 weeks straight).

He made arrangements for the kids, and we flew down to Salt Lake City for the weekend of General Conference.

I can't say enough about how much I loved that trip! It was the perfect Anniversary gift. The absolute combination of relaxation and fun, as we had 4 days with just the two of us, some old friends to reunite with, five sessions of Conference, a lovely hotel, and a bit of time leftover to sight-see and shop.

Also worth mentioning was dinner at a restaurant with a gorgeous view, heavenly cuisine, and, best of all, not a single chicken finger or plastic bib in sight.

After all that, we still got to celebrate today with lunch downtown and a fun date together while Lindsey & Jeff watched the kids. (Thanks, you two!)

Some highlights of the past 10 years together:

Becoming parents to our five amazing children (Best thing we've ever done, but definitely the hardest, bar none. Well, at least for me. Scott's such an awesome Dad that he often makes it look so easy.)

Scott graduating from a rigorous 2 year MBA program at UWO.

Starting up a business from nothing. Working and sacrificing to try to get it going, only to shut it down 3 years later.

Scott working 18 months in a job he couldn't stand for the benefit of his family.

Being blessed to go back to the job he enjoys and able to make it work this time around.

Traveling across this beautiful country together several times. From Halifax to Vancouver, and now, finally, Newfoundland in a month!

Also, more traveling to Dubai, Florida, New York (State and City), Utah, and enjoying time in Alberta for many summers.

If there's one thing we've learned, it's that we LOVE to travel together! Looking forward to many, many more trips in our future.

Having wonderful parents, siblings, in-laws, grandparents, nieces, nephews, and extended family. We love spending time with both sides of the family.

We have been blessed with so many fabulous friends. And fun traditions like Cookie Night on Sunday evenings. Good times.

Going up to the cottage in Tobermory. So many amazing memories, starting with the day we got engaged up there nearly 11 years ago.

Several church callings and service opportunities.

Being close to Scott's Mom as she has battled cancer. Watching in awe as she continues to press forward with an amazing attitude and zest for life.

Knowing that no matter what lies ahead, we have each other, and really, that's all that matters.

Happy Anniversary, Scott!


  1. Congratulations on 10 years of marriage. You have filled them with so many good people, and adventures. Here's to 10 more just as amazing.
    Love to both of you...

  2. This is Jeff under Lindsey's name! That was a great post Cassandra. I enjoyed reading it!

  3. Congrats you guys, what a great post! I can't believe it's been 10 years. Hope you had a good long week-end, with better weather than us (it's snowing today).


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