Last Friday I drove to Toronto to pick my Mom up from the airport.
Yesterday I drove back to Toronto to say good-bye as she flew off to NYC to be with my sister before her wedding next weekend.
A week with Grandma went by so fast, I didn't even take a single picture! Good thing we will be together again in about ten days.
Grandpa came for a visit too, from Wednesday to Friday. It's been three years since we've seen Grandpa, so this was quite exciting!
The children have changed a lot, so there was lots of catching up to do. Grandpa brought gifts and more gifts and Grandma took us shopping (and more shopping).
The kids loved going out to a
real restaurant when we all went to Red Lobster on Wednesday night. (Thanks to a kind friend who watched Nathan for us, we were able to relax and have an enjoyable meal together!)
We also got to see Nana and Papa this week, when they came for a visit on Thursday.
Our children are so very blessed to have wonderful, loving Grandparents.